We believe
in celebrating and healing the gift of our humanity by strengthening and honoring our bodies, releasing our minds from fear and judgment, nurturing our spirits with Presence, grounding our lives in Wholeness, freeing our hearts to Love. We experience that there is more to us than meets the eye. When we bring our minds into our bodies (a.k.a. yoga - uniting mind and body) we discover a Presence deep within us and around us, a Wholeness flowing through us from which we can never be separated. We discover our Divine Nature, Basic Goodness, the very image of God. We meet Spirit. We touch Peace. We know Love and we experience Joy. Through our practice of yoga we seek to nurture that Presence within our own hearts and minds and bodies, within our relationships with other Divine beings and with all things earthy.
We believe
that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. Humanity is evolving into a new way of life, the only sustainable way of life, that gives full expression to the deepest realities of our Human Nature - our inter-connectedness to all of life. Some have called this “The Kingdom of God,” “Heaven on Earth,” “Enlightenment,” the “Tao.” It is all of those things. It is a way that seeks to live in alignment with who we truly are. It is a way that seeks to live in harmony within our own bodies, minds, and hearts, with one another and with all of creation. It is the way of Peace, Shalom. This way already exists within us, yet has been forgotten and not fully realized. We are not yet what we shall be, therefore, we actively seek to be who we truly are for the benefit of all beings.
We believe
that we, and you, are already whole. There is nothing about us that needs to be fixed. Love is who we truly are. Love is whole. Love is perfect, but we look at ourselves and see only imperfection. We judge ourselves as wrong. We don't see the Truth that our "imperfections" are part of the beautiful whole - the whole of Love. Rather, we tend to see our imperfections as cause for shame, self-hatred and loathing. We don't want to feel that way so we work really hard to fix what is “wrong” with us, to build ourselves into something other than what we are. We tend to see the “imperfections” of others as evidence for our need to separate and categorize, protect ourselves from “them”. We resort to labels of division, within ourselves, our relationships and the world: “good” and “bad”, “right” and “wrong”, “in” and “out.” We spend our life energy protecting and defending these boundaries of separation. In doing so we create a self that we don't really like very much (because it’s not us), a skin we are not really comfortable in, and we come to believe that we ARE that. All the while we feel like something is missing - in ourselves, in our relationships, in our world. It IS. It's US. Rather than living our lives from the truth of our wholeness with all of life, we choose a diminished existence of separation. Our yoga practice is about remembering who we truly are, literally RE-MEMBER-ing ourselves. Our yoga practice is a continual process of putting out the welcome mat to all parts of ourselves, even the “imperfections,” welcoming Life and ourselves as we are, so that we may grow and flower into our deepest potential as fully alive human beings. When we embrace life as it is, moment to moment, we wake up to the Divine within us and within others. Our eyes are opened and we can say with elation: “The Divine within me sees and honors the Divine within you. Namaste.” That new way of seeing and living and honoring life as it is, is the process and the goal of our practice.